memento_mods wrote in
Jul 28, 2007 16:05
Ack, I forgot to post last night, but the snow is now melting. In fact, it has returned to normal summer weather today XD Everything is probably very wet and steaming outside right now.
Have fun with that! XD
christmas in july
memento_mods wrote in
Jan 01, 2005 02:37
Had fun with the crowds and insanity of the stores today? Well congrats to you! The sales in all the stores are now closed! All purchases are being deducted right now (both Boxing Day and previous un-taken care of ones), so enjoy your purchases-nyan. =^___^=
christmas in july
memento_mods wrote in
Jul 26, 2007 12:22
It's Boxing Day! As part of the Christmas in July event, any purchases made in the stores on this date will receive a 25% discount when we go to deduct monies. Enjoy your shopping today! <3
(Also, we know that no one got their salaries for last week. We are working on getting those to your characters, I promise ^.^)
christmas in july
memento_mods wrote in
Jul 25, 2007 09:32
Santa's arrived, and he's decided that the denizens of Memento Eden have been quite good so far! As a Christmas present, all current characters (meaning only characters who were accepted to the RP on or before this date) who wish to take it will receive a full 5% of their memories!
Merry Christmas (in July), everyone!
christmas in july,
memento_mods wrote in
Jul 23, 2007 20:43
Residents of Ari Apartments, you may have noticed an unusual temperature drop outside in the last few hours. Do not be alarmed. This is just-
Oh dear. Is that snow I see?
(( OOC: Yes, snow. In July. It will snow throughout the night and throughout the event, which will be revealed tomorrow. Enjoy! ))
christmas in july